Head & Shoulders
The head & shoulders of the West Mebon Viṣṇu were found in 1936, buried face down above the many pieces of the sculpture. Some of these fragments are depicted below in photogrammetric models. These models were floated onto a digital wire frame to examine how much of the sculpture was missing and what the possible configuration of the sculpture would have been when it was emplaced in the middle of the West Mebon.
Ga. 5387 (NMC), Head and Shoulders of West Mebon Viṣṇu
Photogrammetric models of the fragments of the West Mebon Viṣṇu
These fragments were catalogued as belonging to the West Mebon Viṣṇu in the collection of the National Museum of Cambodia. A photogrammetric model has been made of each piece which can now be viewed in three dimensions.
Ga. 1170 (NMC)
Ga. 2988_9 (NMC)
Ga. 2988_8 (NMC)
Ga. 1173 (NMC)
Ga. 2084 (NMC)
Ga. 2988_1 (NMC)
Ga. 2084 (NMC)
Ga. 2988_6 (NMC)
Ga. 2988_7 (NMC)
Ga. 2988_4 (NMC)